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Removing Guesswork When Planning PE!

Have a read and remove guesswork when planning for your PE lesson!

By the end you'll understand how structured assessment and progress tracking can transform the way you approach physical education planning and leading.

Good planning = Happy pupils!

By creating consistency, you can design sessions that are targeted, effective, and aligned with the National Curriculum, ensuring that every pupil's development is supported with clear, actionable insights using this simple approach.

First things first (so important...)

Before creating your plan you need to have a clear goal in mind that covers a core skill. For example: My pupils can understand the difference between underarm throwing and overarm throwing and perform them accurately..

Next up!

Once you have your clear goal think about the warm up or as we like to call it the "Prepare" section of the plan. In this section you need to think about what muscles are going to be used in the session and then how to warm them up whilst beginning to learn the techique that will help get a step closer to your session goal.

It's nearly show time...

Our next simple step we use is our "Develop" stage. This is usually the section we spend time in a simplified game situation where lots of repetition can be done to perfect the desired skill.


We're coming to the end of the session where we now move into our "Build" area. This area is where we move into the game siuation so the children have the opportunity to use the skills they have developed over the session.

This is a great time to watch and observe your pupils to see how well they have understood the goal of session and see if they can continuously show the correct technique desired by you as the coach.

Anyone Struggling?

It is going to be very rare in your session you will get 100% of your pupils completing the goal set at the start of the session. If you observe well enough during the "Build" section you will be able to notice if someone is struggling.

Rather than stopping the game completely you can ask that pupil to come to the side and correct their technique before putting them back in the game so they have the best chance of success on their next attempt or turn.

For more help with your PE development dont hesistate to get in touch with us!


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